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Run RPortd API with HTTPS

Enable encryption

Rportd supports HTTPS without the need for a reverse proxy.

Even on your local intranet. Do not run the API with unencrypted plain HTTP. Sniffing HTTP traffic is trivial. Your credentials might get into wrong hands easily.

Open the rportd.conf file and enter the path to a certificate or certificate chain and a server key. The key must not be password protected.

  ## Defines the IP address and port the API server listens on
  ## specify non-empty {address} to enable API support
  address = ""
  ## ..snip ...snap
  ## If both cert_file and key_file are specified, then rportd will use them to serve the API with https.
  ## Intermediate certificates should be included in cert_file if required.
  #cert_file = "/var/lib/rport/server.crt"
  #key_file = "/var/lib/rport/server.key"

If a cert_file and a key_file are specified, the protocol automatically switches from HTTP to HTTPs.

If the IP address of your server has a public domain name you can generate a free certificate quite easily using Let’s encrypt.

Use the built-in ACME

Starting with version 0.9.11 the rport server comes with a built-in automatic certificate management environment (ACME). This ACME can create and renew all certificates needed for a secure operation of the rport server.

To enable the ACME for the rport API look for the following setting in the rport.conf:

  ## Defines the IP address and port the API server listens on.
  ## Specify non-empty {address} to enable API support.
  address = ""

  ## Optionally define the base URL used to access the rport API and UI.
  ## This is how you access the API from the outside.
  ## The hostname of the URL must have a publicly available DNS record.
  base_url = "https://<YOUR-HOSTNAME>:443"

  ## The built-in ACME can be used to generate and manage Let's encrypt certificates. 
  ## The base_url above must be set.
  enable_acme = true

Using a hostname inside the base_url is mandatory. This hostname must be registered on a public DNS before starting the rport server.

The above settings will enable the rport server to create and renew the certificates without stopping and restarting the server.

If your API is not listening on the default HTTPS port 443, you need to activate acme_http_port = 80 in the [server] section. While the configuration values might indicate you can use any port for the validation, you can’t. You must use port 80.

You can run acme_http_port on any port, but you would have to map it to the public facing port 80 on your firewall or reverse proxy.

Let’s encrypt needs to validate your certificate request. Validation will happen over port 80 or 443. Other ports are not supported. That means, if you can’t expose any of these two ports to the internet, you cannot use the built-in ACME nor certbot from the commandline. You will have to use self-signed or commercial certificates.

If you are using the built-in reverse proxy for NoVNC, Guacamole and other HTTP-based tunnels, the built-in ACME can also handle the needed certificates. Set tunnel_enable_acme = true and set tunnel_host to an existing publicly available DNS record in the [server] section of rportd.conf. The certificate will be requested for the hostname taken from tunnel_host.

All certificates managed by the built-in ACME are stored in {data_dir}/acme which usually resolves to /var/lib/rport/acme.

If you are experiencing trouble using the built-in ACME, run the server with log_level = "debug" to get detailed information.

Create and manage certificates manually

Create certificates using certbot

Make sure no other software is using the TCP port 80 during the certificate generation and your firewall is not blocking access to TCP 80. If you run RPort on port 80, stop it while generating the certificates.

apt install certbot
certbot certonly -d $DOMAIN -n --agree-tos --standalone -m <YOUR_EMAIL>
# Change group ownerships so rport can read the files
chgrp rport /etc/letsencrypt/archive/
chmod g+rx /etc/letsencrypt/archive/
chgrp rport /etc/letsencrypt/live/
chmod g+rx /etc/letsencrypt/live/
chgrp rport /etc/letsencrypt/archive/$DOMAIN/
chmod g+rx /etc/letsencrypt/archive/$DOMAIN/
chgrp rport /etc/letsencrypt/archive/$DOMAIN/privkey1.pem
chmod g+rx /etc/letsencrypt/archive/$DOMAIN/privkey1.pem
chgrp rport /etc/letsencrypt/live/$DOMAIN/
ls -l /etc/letsencrypt/live/$DOMAIN/

This will create the server key, certificates, and chains in /etc/letsencrypt/live/$DOMAIN/. Note that the files and folders generated by certbot are readable only by root. So change your ownerships accordingly.

Use the certificates

Now set up your rportd.conf like this.

  ## Defines the IP address and port the API server listens on
  ## specify non-empty {address} to enable API support
  address = ""
  ## ..snip ...snap
  ## If both cert_file and key_file are specified, then rportd will use them to serve the API with https.
  ## Intermediate certificates should be included in cert_file if required.
  cert_file = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/<YOUR_DOMAIN>/fullchain.pem"
  key_file = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/<YOUR_DOMAIN>/privkey.pem"

Restart rportd after any changes to the configuration file. Check your SSL setup is working properly by executing
curl -Iv -u admin:foobaz https://$DOMAIN:3000/api/v1/status.
You should not get any errors.

Auto renewal

On Ubuntu a systemd timer to renew the certificates is created on the installation of the certbot package. For details look at /lib/systemd/system/certbot.timer. On other distribution you might set up a cron manually that executes certbot -q renew every 12 hours.

Without proper hook scripts, the renewal will fail.
Follow this guide to properly set up the needed Let’s encrypt hooks.