RPort - remote access and remote management
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Rport Frontend

Rport comes with a web-based graphical user interface (frontend) which is distributed as a separate bundle.

Installing the frontend

The frontend comes as a minified and compressed bundle of Javascript files and all needed assets. The frontend does not require any server-side scripting support. The rport server provides static file serving for that purpose.

By default, the built-in web server listens only on localhost. Serving a web frontend on localhost is not very useful. Change the listen address of the API to “” or any port you like.

Make sure you have the below options enabled in [api] section of the rportd.conf.

  address = ""  
  doc_root = "/var/lib/rport/docroot"
Usually you run rportd and the web frontend on a public server directly exposed to the internet. Running the API and serving the frontend on unencrypted HTTP is dangerous. Always use HTTPs. The built-in web server supports HTTPs. To quickly generate certificates, follow this guide.
mkdir /var/lib/rport/docroot
cd /var/lib/rport/docroot
wget -q https://downloads.rport.io/frontend/stable/latest.php -O rport-frontend.zip
unzip -qq rport-frontend.zip && rm -f rport-frontend.zip
cd ~
chown -R rport:rport /var/lib/rport/docroot

Now open the API-URL in a browser. Log in with a username and password specified for the API authentication.

You are done.