RPort - remote access and remote management
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Starting with version 0.5.10 RPort has the ability to create a tunnel to a remote VNC server with a built-in VNC-to-HTTPS proxy. The rport server exposes the “vnc signal” on an encrypted HTTPS port instead of using the unencrypted VNC protocol. If a vnc tunnel with proxy is created, rport first creates the tunnel to the remote machine, makes the remote VNC port available only on localhost and spawns a vnc proxy that makes the VNC signal accessible over HTTPS on the proxy port with path “/”. Pointing the browser to this URL loads the novnc javascript app and the session starts.


  • noVNC javascript app has to be available on local filesystem
  • RPort server configuration novnc_root must point to the noVNC javascript app directory
  • RPort server configuration tunnel_proxy_cert_file and tunnel_proxy_key_file must be set up. NoVNC depends on the
  • generic built-in TLS reverse proxy, which is enabled by providing a key and a certificate.

Install noVNC javascript app

Rport is tested with noVNC v1.3.0.zip, so this version is recommended.

If your rport server runs with the suggested default settings, the NoVNC can be downloaded as follows.

cd /tmp
curl -LO https://github.com/novnc/noVNC/archive/refs/tags/v1.3.0.zip
unzip -d /var/lib/rport v1.3.0.zip
rm -f v1.3.0.zip

You will then have all needed files in /var/lib/rport/noVNC-1.3.0.

Server configuration

Provide a value for novnc_root in the [server] section of the rportd.conf. It has to be the directory where the noVNC javascript app is located e.g.

 ...snip ...snap
 ## If specified, rportd will serve novnc javascript app from this directory.
 novnc_root = "/var/lib/rport/noVNC-1.3.0"